Heartland Christian Camps

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Setting Summer Intentions: Get the Most out of Your Summer

Summer! The season for fun in the sun, family vacations and plenty of ice cream! Summer is the time to take advantage of extra hours of daylight and fewer hours of homework, but so often summer is over before we know it. Its hot, lazy days are fleeting and precious. This summer try a different approach. Take the time this spring to set some summer intentions for your family. Use these questions as a guide to plan your family's best summer yet.

What do we want to see?

Summer is the perfect time to get out and see something new. Visit a museum with an exhibit your family is interested in, hike a new trail with an amazing view at the summit, go see a play or a concert together. Let each member of the family pick something they want to go see this summer. Experience something new together and take time to appreciate all the awesome things around us!

What do we want to learn?

As a family figure out something you'd like to learn about this summer, or a new skill you'd like to learn together. Maybe you decide to practice a new language together or learn how to make your own ice cream. Learning something new together will bring your family closer together and you'll end the summer with a new skill!

How do we want to help?

Summer is also a great time to take some time out to help others. Choose a volunteer opportunity your family can tackle together this summer. 

How can we have fun in our own backyard?

Summer is all about simple pleasures! Plan some ways your family can have fun together in your own backyard. Plan family cookouts, a basketball tournament in the driveway, or a big 4th of July bash! The only rule is you have to figure out how to have fun together without leaving home. Take time to appreciate all that you have! Check out these ideas for simple summer fun.

How will we relax?

Don't forget to put time aside for rest. Make sure your summer isn't so booked with activities that you miss out on time to relax and renew together as a family. Reserve a weekend or two with no major plans, for some quiet time together. Make a pitcher of lemonade and enjoy each other's company!

The changing of seasons is a wonderful time to set intentions for our lives. Take the opportunity this spring, to pause and consider what you would like your family's summer to look like. What is important to you and the other members of your family? Take the time to make a plan now before the summer is gone in a blur of wet bathing suits, mosquito bites and sunburns. Before you know it, it will be time to reassess again as those leaves begin to fall. To learn more about our intentions for camp this summer contact us today!