Heartland Christian Camps

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Week 5: Hydro Camp

The Lord knew Hydro Camp was coming this week! He has blessed us with several days of rain. It has only enhanced our water filled fun this week. Our campers have played charades in the rain, walked in the rain, and sang in the rain.

Our group took it upon ourselves, at the inspiration of the rain, to do a water challenge. Each girl is challenged to drink three water bottles: one in the morning, another in the afternoon, and a final bottle in the evening. This helps us stay healthy and hydrated!

The water challenge is supported by a reward! The girls have been successful each time. First, the girls selected wacky and silly outfits for their counselors. Next was dumping ice water on them! Finally a shaving cream fight.

The girls have been so engaged with the water theme, and they quickly picked up on our theme I Am. Through morning watch and vespers, we have discussed God's unique creation of each individual. He has a plan, purpose, and reason for each of us!

Tonight and tomorrow, the girls will learn that their uniqueness allows them to serve the body of  Christ and show others who God is.

Please pray with me that these ladies would see God's specific plan for their lives and answer His call.



Hannah McCoy, director